4 Practical Ways To Ground Your Energy

4 Practical Ways To Ground Your Energy

What we are forced to carry everyday in this life can be both overwhelming and overstimulating. There’s so many things that are calling our attention and every day there’s a new obstacle to overcome. Some days can feel like your whole world is a burden when really you just need to disconnect from it all and go back to your own personal sanctuary, whatever it is. There are so many things in this life that are designed to unroot us from our bodies and sometimes doing the work is knowing our limits and surrendering to rest and presence. There’s no escaping this reality we are currently in no matter how hard we try to attach ourselves to the external. We are skin and bones. We have limits. We can actually put the weight of the world down and listen to our hearts & bodies.


Grounding starts with how safe we feel in the world and safety starts with the first home we ever knew. 


Down below are 4 simple ways I ground myself and connect to my body and to balance. If you ever feel like your world and heart are heavy, I hope this list helps bring you back home.



  1. Connect with your breathe and 5 senses
  • Breathe knows no bounds when it gives life to our species. It asks nothing of us but to receive the unconditional love it brings us in every moment. When we consciously connect with our senses, we clear out the thinking mind and into the silent mind that brings us to clarity and inner guidance. Breathe into all your limbs. Stretch your body. Light your favorite incense or candle. 



2. Tap into gratitude

  • Gratitude is a portal of abundance and it is an amazing way to connect us to the simple blessings of every day life. How can we create more if we don’t allow the space to be happy with what we have and where we are now, in this moment? Being grateful calls our attention to grow from where we are 



3. Write your feelings down

  • The best way to honor our feelings is when we can give them a name and get them out externally in a healthy way. Knowing that we have thousands of thoughts a day, not all of them are truth and need our engagement. Journaling is the lens that we need to simplify our feelings in words in a more balanced way. Outside of journaling self awareness starts internally. Knowing ourselves allows us to stay present. Come back to your own voice



4. Rest

  • There are days we have to trust our bodies when they ask us to slow down and rest. Burnout is the silent killer in a capitalist society that tells us to ignore our limits to keep this system alive. We are waking up from this spell and realizing just how tired we really are. You need you and your body needs you now more than ever. We are constantly in the ebb n flow of life. Be kinder to yourself and honor all cycles even the idle ones





Happy grounding, with love



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